[tor-relays] Archive key from deb.torproject.org was renewed!

boldsuck lists at for-privacy.net
Fri Aug 2 02:03:50 UTC 2024

On Freitag, 2. August 2024 02:10:21 CEST Martin Gebhardt via tor-relays wrote:
> >> Since you are all tinkering with your servers anyway, why don't you try
> >> deb822-style ;-)
> > 
> > Because that doesn't make sense for public Tor nodes, but rather for
> > .onion
> > services.
> > Many ISPs and providers have a Debian and Tor mirror and I use them via
> > clearnet because reliability for security updates is important to me.
> ok, you are probably referring to the fact that i use the repo via .onion.
> But i actually wanted to point out the format of the APT source files, see
> https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/apt/sources.list.5.en.html#DEB822-STYL
> E_FORMAT :-)

Ooh, thanks. Interesting. I didn't know that. Must be new or I missed it in 
the release notes.

> And regardless of that: In my opinion, it makes perfect sense to also obtain
> public services such as OS updates via Tor. The more data flying around the
> Tor network, the better it is for the Tor network.

With 100 Tor instances and 20G for Tor traffic, the daily repo delta gives me 
almost zero ;-)
On the other hand, we are currently building a hidden service exchange. Damn, 
the Tor network is overloaded with DoS attacks, so I try to avoid any traffic.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

It's free software and it gives you freedom!
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