[tor-relays] Fw: Exit stops after one year, then again after few days

yl tor at yl.ms
Tue May 12 09:44:11 UTC 2020

Hello AceOfSpadez79

On 11/05/2020 16:53, AceOfSpadez79 wrote:
> Not sure what your issue with Ubuntu is, I'm running 20.04 and have no issues with inbound/outbound IPV4/6 connections. It kind of seems to me that the Tor relays just love to nitpick. While I'm here though I do have one question for you lads and laddettes.

It is not a Tor issue I think and it might not be a Ubuntu issue as
well, but you know the game... I have to convince the support of the
hosting company, at the moment I am not able to do so.

I setup a service to notify me by email whem the IPv6 connectivity
fails, it is just a PING6, but it'll do the job.

Then when this happens I will check my system logs.


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