[tor-relays] Bridge relays should upgrade to use the new bridge authority

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Thu Jul 19 00:18:00 UTC 2018

>> you probably want to reach out to package maintainer
>> that didn't update yet (like the ubuntu snap) - if you didn't do so yet
> Emailing package maintainers is part of our existing process:
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/doc/HACKING/ReleasingTor.md#n171

Chad, do you want to be on the list linked above?

> If the maintainer is not on the list, please submit a patch to
> ReleasingTor.md, or ask them to join tor-packagers at lists.torproject.org.
>> Roger Dingledine:
>>> If you run a bridge relay, please upgrade -- so your bridge address can
>>> resume being given out to censored users, and so your stats can resume
>>> being included in the metrics pages.
>>> We just put out new releases (,,,
>>> that retire the old bridge authority and start using a new one. The new
>>> bridge authority is "Serge", and it is operated by George from the Tor
>>> BSD Diversity project:
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-announce/2018-July/000162.html
>>> If for whatever reason you can't upgrade yet, you can also manually
>>> switch to advertising your bridge descriptor to the new bridge authority
>>> by using this torrc line:
>>> AlternateBridgeAuthority Serge orport=9001 bridge BA44 A889 E64B 93FA A2B1 14E0 2C2A 279A 8555 C533
>> I'd expect such email to be signed - yes, even if people can fetch that
>> data from a signed release.
> Please submit a patch to ReleasingTor.md.

Since Roger's email wasn't the release announcement that email is
not in scope of ReleasingTor.md?


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