[tor-relays] Issues regarding relay (TLS interception on relay kommissarov)

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Mon Aug 27 20:25:00 UTC 2018

Nathaniel Suchy:
> Can the operator of the relay please reach out to me? There
> is not any contact information available on Tor Metrics for the relay.

I assume you also run into the annoyance that this relay (or AS / country)
is breaking TLS for certain destination (like some torproject.org domains).

I previously tried to reach the operator [1]
or to get it assigned the badexit flag, but directory authorities apparently 
don't do that in these kind of circumstances. 

[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2018-August/015843.html


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