[tor-relays] So long and thanks for all the abuse complaints

Ralph Seichter m16+tor at monksofcool.net
Tue Dec 5 16:38:15 UTC 2017

Quoting myself:

> I've had an ongoing debate with a hosting service over a fresh exit
> node being abused for network scans (ports 80 and 443) almost hourly
> for the last few days.

I had the former exit node unlocked an ran it in relay mode for a day.
Today I switched back to exit mode, and a few hours after the exit flag
was reassigned, I already received the next complaint about an outgoing
network scan. The logs sent to me clearly confirm scans taking place,
this is not about the hoster being obstinate.

Looks like I will have to shut down this particular exit for good if
I cannot find a way to prevent it from being abused as network scan
central. :-(


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