[tor-relays] New obfsproxy transport: scramblesuit [bridge operators: please upgrade!]

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Mon Feb 10 22:12:01 UTC 2014

George Kadianakis:
> a few days ago we integrated ScrambleSuit to obfsproxy. ScrambleSuit
> is a pluggable transport by Philipp Winter; you can find more about it
> at: http://www.cs.kau.se/philwint/scramblesuit/
> If you are running a bridge, please consider upgrading your obfsproxy
> to the latest version (0.2.6) by using pip or fetching the latest git
> master.  Unfortunately, we don't have Linux packages yet, but we will
> hopefully have some soon. In the meanwhile, we would appreciate some
> testing :)

obfsproxy 0.2.6-1 has entered Debian unstable:

I also have sucessfully used the package on Wheezy systems.

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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