[tor-relays] Relays vulnerable to OpenSSL bug: Please upgrade

ecarter9 at riseup.net ecarter9 at riseup.net
Tue Apr 8 16:20:28 UTC 2014

Update: I now have Running, Unnamed, V2Dir and Valid flags after 90
minutes of uptime.  So I guess all is well.

Disregard my second question I see you already addressed it, thanks.

> Thanks Moritz.  But shouldn't I at least be Fast Running Valid?  I thought
> that when I first set up the relay I received those flags almost
> immediately, but I've been running for over an hour and I still have no
> flags at all.
> Also, if all relays lose their flags won't we be left with an inoperable
> Tor network for a few days?
>> On 04/08/2014 04:58 PM, ecarter9 at riseup.net wrote:
>>> Greetings all.  I follwed the above instructions on my relay.  Upon
>>> restarting Tor I have lost all of my flags and I have a new
>>> fingerprint.
>>> Previously I had the Fast, Guard, Named, Running, Stable, and Valid
>>> flags.
>>>  Is this expected?  Did I miss a step somewhere?  Thanks for any help.
>> Yes. You made it generate new keys, so it is a "new relay" as far as Tor
>> is concerned. This is why not everybody should generate new keys
>> immediately, especially larger relays. But don't worry too much, you'll
>> get your flags back eventually. :)
>> --
>> Moritz Bartl
>> https://www.torservers.net/
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