[tor-relays] Relay-Bandwith

David Serrano tor at dserrano5.es
Sat Nov 9 20:35:01 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-09 19:59:45 (+0100), Oliver Schönefeld wrote:
> my ISP is offering 50 Mbps downstream 10 Mbps up, so i thought i'd share 20 Mbps max and 15 Mbps avg (respectively 2560 KBps max and 1920 KBps avg) in a inner tor-relay.

If I'm not mistaken, you should stick to 10 Mbps. You're a router and
everything that you receive, you forward it elsewhere so you'll always be
limited by your upstream bandwidth.

> However the tor metrics indicate an advertised bandwith of 317,44 KBps and
> the worldmap of vidalia even shows just 20 KBps :(

Wait a few days and this number will increase on its own.


 David Serrano
 GnuPG id: 280A01F9
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