[tor-relays] about setting up a tor exit node

cmeclax cmeclax-sazri at ixazon.dynip.com
Wed Sep 26 03:14:13 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 19:18:33 esolve esolve wrote:
> Hi,
>     I installed tor browser bundle and I want to use vidalia to set up a
> tor exit node with my computer.
>    However, I have problem in port forwarding, my computer is inside an
> institute, and I'm not clear about the firewall setting.
>    Is there any method for me to check the firewall setting and make a hole
> on it?

Do you have an internal address (192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x or the other range) 
or an external address? My relay has an internal address; you connect to it on 
port 110 (usually used for fetching mail), and my router forwards it to 
another port. If you have an external address, but are behind a firewall, try 
the following:

On your computer:
$nc -lp 3355

On a computer outside your institute that you have access to:
$telnet primer.example.com 3355

You should get "Connected to primer.example.com", and anything you type on the 
outside box should appear on yours, and vice versa. If not, try another port.

If you have only internal addresses, you'll have to ask whoever runs the 
firewall to forward a port to you.


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