[tor-project] Onboarding wiki - we want your input! :)

Erin Wyatt ewyatt at torproject.org
Tue Jul 18 19:39:51 UTC 2017

Hello everyone!

Hello! Isa and I will be getting together next week to work on the onboarding wiki page, and we'd like your input! If you have a moment, please tell us your idea(s) on how to improve the way we orient newcomers (all types). We’ll start on Wednesday, so anytime before then would be grrrreat.

We're looking for all kinds of suggestions -- From IRC/email/encryption etiquette to process/procedure for starting new projects and getting support to technical/security/privacy suggestions and/or requirements -- WE WANT IT ALL.  >:)

There are three categories:

    1. Things I wish I had known when I started with Tor Project (in any capacity).
    2. Things I wish new people knew when they started with Tor Project.
    3. Things that don't fit into either of the above categories, but should still be recorded on the Onboarding Wiki.

Please submit your ideas here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/Tor_Project_Onboarding_Brain_Dump

If you prefer to email your suggestions, that’s fine! Also, if you have a document or a link to a personal pad with the info, please email it to me.

Thanks in advance! Hope you’re all having a great week.

Erin Wyatt
HR Manager
ewyatt at torproject.org
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