[tor-onions] Debugging an ubuntu / apache2 / tor / ssl setup

Adam Jensen hanzer at riseup.net
Sat Oct 13 23:27:13 UTC 2018

On 10/13/2018 06:08 PM, Peter Brooks wrote:
> Tor encrypts everything in transit, but not between you and the
> first server, and not between the last server and the target machine.

I haven't studied Tor in a serious way but my impression is that in a
simple scenario where a client is using the Tor Browser to connect to a
Tor Hidden Service, that connection is both private and secret - a third
party can not access it or know that it happened. Where this isn't the
case (again, just my impression) is when a plain browser is used to
access a Tor Hidden Service via something like Tor2web[1], or the Tor
Browser is used to access a typical clearnet web service. In both of
these cases, there is a clearnet hop in the communication chain.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor2web

I guess if the goal is to provide privacy for those who access a Hidden
Service via something like Tor2web, then making the SSL capability
available probably makes some sense. I didn't really consider that
scenario. I guess a self-signed SSL certificate would be necessary and
those accessing the HTTPS Hidden Service would need to accept that

Hmm... Does this all seem correct and reasonable?

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