[tor-dev] Help me guague how full your plate is via regular check-in conversations

Tom Lowenthal me at tomlowenthal.com
Wed Nov 13 01:18:32 UTC 2013

Howdy folks,

I've heard back from some of y'all about getting regular chats
scheduled (and have even scheduled some!). Thanks. I haven't heard
back from everyone, so if you write to <tor-reports>, you should also
write back to schedule some time. This is just a reminder that you
should totally do that thing.

Also, know this: I am quite amenable to all kinds of communications.
I'd like something real-time, so email, regular mail, Pond, and
carrier Pigeons aren't great. However, XMPP, IRC, Ostel [that's SIP
with ZRTP], and all sorts of other things which aren't really words
but are totally ways of talking are great. I will even install Skype
if you ask me to, but I'll judge you for it, (just a little).

One moderately-F AQ on my previous mail pertained to **who exactly**
should talk to me. If you should email <tor-reports> monthly, you
should talk to me. If Tor gives you money, that probably means you. If
you volunteer on a project for which other people give Tor money, that
also means you. If you think you might be a person who wants to work
on a project for which people give Tor money (and perhaps even get
paid for it), that might mean you too, and if I know what you want to
do, there's a slightly-increased likelihood of us pitching someone
doing that thing.

Hope to hear from you soon,

On 29 October 2013 11:30, Tom Lowenthal <me at tomlowenthal.com> wrote:
> Hello fighters for freedom,
> When applying for grants, planning future work, and otherwise thinking
> about what capacity we have leftover to do things in the future, it's
> really useful to know who's doing what and how much of it. I get some
> of this information from our sponsor/project-specific meetings, but it
> doesn't seem to be the full picture, so I'd like to trot out that old
> chestnut of regular one-on-one chats.
> This means that I'd like to spend between thirty and sixty minutes
> talking with each of you, once every week or two. I'd like to
> calibrate the frequency so that we can get calls down to 30 minutes
> each, with room to kvetch and have a conversation that's a little more
> than just rattling off deliverable status and time assignments.
> I think that the right group for this is the folks who post to
> tor-reports. If you post to tor-reports, please get back to me by the
> end of the week with your availability for a regular weekly check-in,
> as well as any thoughts you have about medium, format, or anything
> else. If you're not currently on tor-reports and think you should
> check in, or vice versa, you should probably drop me a line too.
> Any questions or suggestions?
> -Tom

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