[community] Cygwin dirmngr and Tor Browser for Windows

john doe johndoe65534 at mail.com
Sat Jun 30 11:22:04 UTC 2018


I'm trying to use Cygwin dirmngr to use "Tor Browser for Windows".:


I got as far as finding a way to get it working by starting "Tor 
Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor\tor.exe" then  dirmngr is working through 
Strangely, if I click "Tor Browser\Start Tor Browser" it does not work; 
dirmngr failed at the following step:

$ dirmngr --homedir ~/try --use-tor -vvv --debug-all --server

OK Dirmngr 2.2.8-unknown at your service
KS_GET -- 0x6C6ACD6417B3ACB1
dirmngr[6496.0]: DBG: chan_3 <- KS_GET -- 0x6C6ACD6417B3ACB1
dirmngr[6496.0]: DBG: dns: libdns initialized (tor mode)
dirmngr[6496.0]: DBG: dns: 
getsrv(_pgpkey-https._tcp.hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net): Server 
indicated a failure
dirmngr[6496.0]: command 'KS_GET' failed: Server indicated a failure 
<Unspecified source>
dirmngr[6496.0]: DBG: chan_3 -> ERR 219 Server indicated a failure 
<Unspecified source>
ERR 219 Server indicated a failure <Unspecified source>

It looks like dirmngr can't connect to tor when tor is started by doing 
"Tor Browser\Browser\firefox.exe".

Given the above I have some questions:
1)  Any idea why dirmngr can't connect to Tor when started the usual way?
2)  What are the difference between starting "tor.exe" and "firefox.exe"?

Any help/hints is appriciated.

John Doe

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