[tor-commits] [torspec/master] prop284: dos2unix the proposal

dgoulet at torproject.org dgoulet at torproject.org
Tue Nov 7 19:49:00 UTC 2017

commit 9a53e606a00233e433e2fa9ddad3b5ad49432fe2
Author: David Goulet <dgoulet at torproject.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 7 14:48:35 2017 -0500

    prop284: dos2unix the proposal
    Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet at torproject.org>
 proposals/284-hsv3-control-port.txt | 336 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 168 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proposals/284-hsv3-control-port.txt b/proposals/284-hsv3-control-port.txt
index 0bee081..f2d03f6 100644
--- a/proposals/284-hsv3-control-port.txt
+++ b/proposals/284-hsv3-control-port.txt
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-Filename: 284-hsv3-control-port.txt
-Title: Hidden Service v3 Control Port
-Author: David Goulet
-Created: 02-November-2017
-Status: Open
-1. Summary
-   This document extends the hidden service control port events and commands
-   to version 3 (rend-spec-v3.txt).
-   No command nor events are newly added in this document, it only desribes
-   how the current commands and events are extended to support v3.
-2. Format
-   The formatting of this document follows section 2 of control-spec.txt. It
-   is split in two sections, the Commands and the Events for hidden service
-   version 3.
-   We define the alphabet of a Base64 encoded value to be:
-      Base64Character = "A"-"Z" / "a"-"z" / "0"-"9" / "+" / "/"
-   For a command or event, if nothing is mentionned, the behavior doesn't
-   change from the control port specification.
-3. Specification:
-3.1. Commands
-   As specified in the control specification, all commands are
-   case-insensitive but the keywords are case-sensitive.
-3.1.1. GETINFO
-   Hidden service commands are:
-     "hs/client/desc/id/<ADDR>"
-       The <ADDR> can be a v3 address without the ".onion" part. The rest is
-       as is.
-     "hs/service/desc/id/<ADDR>"
-       The <ADDR> can be a v3 address without the ".onion" part. The rest is
-       as is.
-     "onions/{current,detached}"
-       No change. This command can support v3 hidden service without changes
-       returning v3 address(es).
-3.1.2. HSFETCH
-   The syntax of this command supports both an HSAddress or a versionned
-   descriptor ID. However, for descriptor ID, version 3 doesn't have the same
-   concept as v2 so, for v3 the descriptor ID is the blinded key of a
-   descriptor which is used as an index to query the HSDir:
-   The syntax becomes:
-     "HSFETCH" SP (HSAddress / "v" Version "-" DescId)
-               *[SP "SERVER=" Server] CRLF
-     HSAddress = (16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character)
-     Version = "2" / "3"
-     DescId = (32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character)
-     Server = LongName
-   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
-   format of a version 3 onion address.
-   The "DescId" of the form 32*Base64Character is the descriptor blinded key
-   used as an index to query the directory. It can only be used with
-   "Version=3".
-3.1.5. HSPOST
-   No change. This command can support v3 hidden service without changes.
-3.1.3. ADD_ONION
-   For this command to support version 3, new values are added but the syntax
-   is unchanged:
-     "ADD_ONION" SP KeyType ":" KeyBlob
-                 [SP "Flags=" Flag *("," Flag)]
-                 1*(SP "Port=" VirtPort ["," Target])
-                 *(SP "ClientAuth=" ClientName [":" ClientBlob]) CRLF
-   New "KeyType" value to "ED25519-V3" which identifies the key type to be a
-   v3 ed25519 key.
-   New "KeyBlob" value to support the new "ED25519-V3", if specified, will
-   generate a new ed25519 private key.
-   Because client authentication is not yet implemented, the "ClientAuth"
-   field is ignored as well as "Flags=BasicAuth".
-3.1.4. DEL_ONION
-   The syntax of this command is:
-     "DEL_ONION" SP ServiceID CRLF
-     ServiceID = The Onion Service address without the trailing ".onion"
-                 suffix
-   The "ServiceID" can simply be a v3 address. Nothing else changes.
-3.2. Events
-3.2.1. HS_DESC
-   For this event to support vesrion 3, one optional field and new
-   values are added:
-     "650" SP "HS_DESC" SP Action SP HSAddress SP AuthType SP HsDir
-           [SP DescriptorID] [SP "REASON=" Reason] [SP "REPLICA=" Replica]
-           [SP "HSDIR_INDEX=" HSDirIndex]
-     Action =  "REQUESTED" / "UPLOAD" / "RECEIVED" / "UPLOADED" / "IGNORE" /
-               "FAILED" / "CREATED"
-     HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"
-     AuthType = "NO_AUTH" / "BASIC_AUTH" / "STEALTH_AUTH" / "UNKNOWN"
-     HsDir = LongName / Fingerprint / "UNKNOWN"
-     DescriptorID = 32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character
-              "UNEXPECTED" / "QUERY_NO_HSDIR"
-     Replica = 1*DIGIT
-     HSDirIndex = 64*HEXDIG
-   The "HSDIR_INDEX=" is an optional field that is only for version 3 which
-   contains the computed index of the HsDir the descriptor was uploaded to or
-   fetched from.
-   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
-   format of a version 3 onion address.
-   The "DescriptorID" key is extended to accept 32 base64 characters which is
-   the descriptor blinded key used for the index value at the "HsDir".
-   Because client authentication is not yet implemented, the "AuthType" field
-   is always "NO_AUTH".
-   For this event to support version 3, new values are added but the syntax is
-   unchanged:
-     "650" "+" "HS_DESC_CONTENT" SP HSAddress SP DescId SP HsDir CRLF
-                Descriptor CRLF "." CRLF "650" SP "OK" CRLF
-     HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"
-     DescId = 32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character
-     HsDir = LongName / "UNKNOWN"
-     Descriptor = The text of the descriptor formatted as specified in
-                  rend-spec-v3.txt section 2.4 or empty string on failure.
-   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
-   format of a version 3 onion address.
-   The "DescriptorID" key is extended to accept 32 base64 characters which is
-   the descriptor blinded key used for the index value at the "HsDir".
-3.2.3 CIRC and CIRC_MINOR
-   These circuit events have an optional field named "REND_QUERY" which takes
-   an "HSAddress". This field is extended to support v3 address:
-      HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"
+Filename: 284-hsv3-control-port.txt
+Title: Hidden Service v3 Control Port
+Author: David Goulet
+Created: 02-November-2017
+Status: Open
+1. Summary
+   This document extends the hidden service control port events and commands
+   to version 3 (rend-spec-v3.txt).
+   No command nor events are newly added in this document, it only desribes
+   how the current commands and events are extended to support v3.
+2. Format
+   The formatting of this document follows section 2 of control-spec.txt. It
+   is split in two sections, the Commands and the Events for hidden service
+   version 3.
+   We define the alphabet of a Base64 encoded value to be:
+      Base64Character = "A"-"Z" / "a"-"z" / "0"-"9" / "+" / "/"
+   For a command or event, if nothing is mentionned, the behavior doesn't
+   change from the control port specification.
+3. Specification:
+3.1. Commands
+   As specified in the control specification, all commands are
+   case-insensitive but the keywords are case-sensitive.
+3.1.1. GETINFO
+   Hidden service commands are:
+     "hs/client/desc/id/<ADDR>"
+       The <ADDR> can be a v3 address without the ".onion" part. The rest is
+       as is.
+     "hs/service/desc/id/<ADDR>"
+       The <ADDR> can be a v3 address without the ".onion" part. The rest is
+       as is.
+     "onions/{current,detached}"
+       No change. This command can support v3 hidden service without changes
+       returning v3 address(es).
+3.1.2. HSFETCH
+   The syntax of this command supports both an HSAddress or a versionned
+   descriptor ID. However, for descriptor ID, version 3 doesn't have the same
+   concept as v2 so, for v3 the descriptor ID is the blinded key of a
+   descriptor which is used as an index to query the HSDir:
+   The syntax becomes:
+     "HSFETCH" SP (HSAddress / "v" Version "-" DescId)
+               *[SP "SERVER=" Server] CRLF
+     HSAddress = (16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character)
+     Version = "2" / "3"
+     DescId = (32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character)
+     Server = LongName
+   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
+   format of a version 3 onion address.
+   The "DescId" of the form 32*Base64Character is the descriptor blinded key
+   used as an index to query the directory. It can only be used with
+   "Version=3".
+3.1.5. HSPOST
+   No change. This command can support v3 hidden service without changes.
+3.1.3. ADD_ONION
+   For this command to support version 3, new values are added but the syntax
+   is unchanged:
+     "ADD_ONION" SP KeyType ":" KeyBlob
+                 [SP "Flags=" Flag *("," Flag)]
+                 1*(SP "Port=" VirtPort ["," Target])
+                 *(SP "ClientAuth=" ClientName [":" ClientBlob]) CRLF
+   New "KeyType" value to "ED25519-V3" which identifies the key type to be a
+   v3 ed25519 key.
+   New "KeyBlob" value to support the new "ED25519-V3", if specified, will
+   generate a new ed25519 private key.
+   Because client authentication is not yet implemented, the "ClientAuth"
+   field is ignored as well as "Flags=BasicAuth".
+3.1.4. DEL_ONION
+   The syntax of this command is:
+     "DEL_ONION" SP ServiceID CRLF
+     ServiceID = The Onion Service address without the trailing ".onion"
+                 suffix
+   The "ServiceID" can simply be a v3 address. Nothing else changes.
+3.2. Events
+3.2.1. HS_DESC
+   For this event to support vesrion 3, one optional field and new
+   values are added:
+     "650" SP "HS_DESC" SP Action SP HSAddress SP AuthType SP HsDir
+           [SP DescriptorID] [SP "REASON=" Reason] [SP "REPLICA=" Replica]
+           [SP "HSDIR_INDEX=" HSDirIndex]
+     Action =  "REQUESTED" / "UPLOAD" / "RECEIVED" / "UPLOADED" / "IGNORE" /
+               "FAILED" / "CREATED"
+     HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"
+     AuthType = "NO_AUTH" / "BASIC_AUTH" / "STEALTH_AUTH" / "UNKNOWN"
+     HsDir = LongName / Fingerprint / "UNKNOWN"
+     DescriptorID = 32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character
+              "UNEXPECTED" / "QUERY_NO_HSDIR"
+     Replica = 1*DIGIT
+     HSDirIndex = 64*HEXDIG
+   The "HSDIR_INDEX=" is an optional field that is only for version 3 which
+   contains the computed index of the HsDir the descriptor was uploaded to or
+   fetched from.
+   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
+   format of a version 3 onion address.
+   The "DescriptorID" key is extended to accept 32 base64 characters which is
+   the descriptor blinded key used for the index value at the "HsDir".
+   Because client authentication is not yet implemented, the "AuthType" field
+   is always "NO_AUTH".
+   For this event to support version 3, new values are added but the syntax is
+   unchanged:
+     "650" "+" "HS_DESC_CONTENT" SP HSAddress SP DescId SP HsDir CRLF
+                Descriptor CRLF "." CRLF "650" SP "OK" CRLF
+     HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"
+     DescId = 32*Base32Character / 32*Base64Character
+     HsDir = LongName / "UNKNOWN"
+     Descriptor = The text of the descriptor formatted as specified in
+                  rend-spec-v3.txt section 2.4 or empty string on failure.
+   The "HSAddress" key is extended to accept 56 base32 characters which is the
+   format of a version 3 onion address.
+   The "DescriptorID" key is extended to accept 32 base64 characters which is
+   the descriptor blinded key used for the index value at the "HsDir".
+3.2.3 CIRC and CIRC_MINOR
+   These circuit events have an optional field named "REND_QUERY" which takes
+   an "HSAddress". This field is extended to support v3 address:
+      HSAddress = 16*Base32Character / 56*Base32Character / "UNKNOWN"

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