[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] more jasmine specs for proxypair, ui, and snowflake coffee files

serene at torproject.org serene at torproject.org
Mon Feb 8 07:06:54 UTC 2016

commit 547cb9690a5dfb0059d07e6d71a198d24189dd96
Author: Serene Han <keroserene+git at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Feb 7 08:32:41 2016 -0800

    more jasmine specs for proxypair, ui, and snowflake coffee files
 proxy/Cakefile                   |  2 ++
 proxy/broker.coffee              |  1 -
 proxy/proxypair.coffee           |  9 +++--
 proxy/snowflake.coffee           | 32 +++++++----------
 proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee | 16 +--------
 proxy/spec/snowflake.spec.coffee | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proxy/spec/ui.spec.coffee        | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee      | 12 +------
 proxy/ui.coffee                  |  8 ++---
 9 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proxy/Cakefile b/proxy/Cakefile
index 97d7978..88d142b 100644
--- a/proxy/Cakefile
+++ b/proxy/Cakefile
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ FILES = [
+  'spec/ui.spec.coffee'
+  'spec/snowflake.spec.coffee'
 OUTFILE = 'build/snowflake.coffee'
diff --git a/proxy/broker.coffee b/proxy/broker.coffee
index 2cc39f7..acd5a5f 100644
--- a/proxy/broker.coffee
+++ b/proxy/broker.coffee
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class Broker
   constructor: (@url) ->
     @clients = 0
     @id = genSnowflakeID()
-    dbg 'Contacting Broker at ' + @url + '\nSnowflake ID: ' + @id
     # Ensure url has the right protocol + trailing slash.
     @url = 'https://' + @url if 0 != @url.indexOf('https://', 0)
     @url += '/' if '/' != @url.substr -1
diff --git a/proxy/proxypair.coffee b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
index 83dc353..e7adfb9 100644
--- a/proxy/proxypair.coffee
+++ b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Represents a single:
 class ProxyPair
   MAX_BUFFER: 10 * 1024 * 1024
@@ -58,15 +57,15 @@ class ProxyPair
     channel.onopen = =>
       log 'WebRTC DataChannel opened!'
       snowflake.state = MODE.WEBRTC_READY
-      ui.setActive true
+      snowflake.ui.setActive true
       # This is the point when the WebRTC datachannel is done, so the next step
       # is to establish websocket to the server.
     channel.onclose = ->
       log 'WebRTC DataChannel closed.'
-      ui.setStatus 'disconnected.'
+      snowflake.ui.setStatus 'disconnected.'
+      snowflake.ui.setActive false
       snowflake.state = MODE.INIT
-      ui.setActive false
       # Change this for multiplexing.
     channel.onerror = -> log 'Data channel error!'
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ class ProxyPair
     @relay.label = 'websocket-relay'
     @relay.onopen = =>
       log @relay.label + ' connected!'
-      ui.setStatus 'connected'
+      snowflake.ui.setStatus 'connected'
     @relay.onclose = @onClose
     @relay.onerror = @onError
     @relay.onmessage = @onRelayToClientMessage
diff --git a/proxy/snowflake.coffee b/proxy/snowflake.coffee
index e49b375..0df1904 100644
--- a/proxy/snowflake.coffee
+++ b/proxy/snowflake.coffee
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ if 'undefined' != typeof window && window.location
   COPY_PASTE_ENABLED = Params.getBool(query, 'manual', false)
   window = {}
-# HEADLESS is true if we are running not in a browser with a DOM.
-HEADLESS = 'undefined' == typeof(document)
 # Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
@@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ class Snowflake
   state: MODE.INIT
   retries: 0
-  constructor: (@broker) ->
+  constructor: (@broker, @ui) ->
     rateLimitBytes = undefined
     if 'off' != query['ratelimit']
       rateLimitBytes = Params.getByteCount(query, 'ratelimit',
@@ -89,8 +87,8 @@ class Snowflake
     return if COPY_PASTE_ENABLED
     timer = null
     # Temporary countdown.
-    countdown = (msg, sec) ->
-      ui.setStatus msg + ' (Retrying in ' + sec + ' seconds...)'
+    countdown = (msg, sec) =>
+      @ui.setStatus msg + ' (Retrying in ' + sec + ' seconds...)'
       if sec >= 0
         setTimeout((-> countdown(msg, sec)), 1000)
@@ -101,8 +99,8 @@ class Snowflake
       clearTimeout timer
       msg = 'polling for client... '
       msg += '[retries: ' + @retries + ']' if @retries > 0
-      ui.setStatus msg
-      recv = broker.getClientOffer()
+      @ui.setStatus msg
+      recv = @broker.getClientOffer()
       recv.then (desc) =>
         offer = JSON.parse desc
@@ -132,14 +130,12 @@ class Snowflake
     pair.onCleanup = (event) =>
       # Delete from the list of active proxy pairs.
       @proxyPairs.splice(@proxyPairs.indexOf(pair), 1)
-      # @badge.endProxy() if @badge
     catch err
       log 'ERROR: ProxyPair exception while connecting.'
       log err
-    # @badge.beginProxy if @badge
   cease: ->
     while @proxyPairs.length > 0
@@ -148,12 +144,10 @@ class Snowflake
   disable: ->
     log 'Disabling Snowflake.'
-    # @badge.disable() if @badge
   die: ->
     log 'Snowflake died.'
-    # @badge.die() if @badge
   # Close all existing ProxyPairs and begin finding new clients from scratch.
   reset: ->
@@ -163,8 +157,6 @@ class Snowflake
 snowflake = null
-broker = null
-ui = null
 # Signalling channel - just tells user to copy paste to the peer.
 # Eventually this should go over the broker.
@@ -190,19 +182,19 @@ Signalling =
 # Log to both console and UI if applicable.
 log = (msg) ->
   console.log 'Snowflake: ' + msg
-  ui.log msg
+  snowflake.ui.log msg
-dbg = (msg) -> log msg if true == ui.debug
+dbg = (msg) -> log msg if true == snowflake.ui.debug
 init = ->
   ui = new UI()
-  log '== snowflake proxy =='
-  log 'Copy-Paste mode detected.' if COPY_PASTE_ENABLED
   brokerUrl = Params.getString(query, 'broker', DEFAULT_BROKER)
   broker = new Broker brokerUrl
-  snowflake = new Snowflake(broker)
-  # window.snowflake = snowflake
-  # window.ui = ui
+  snowflake = new Snowflake broker, ui
+  dbg 'Contacting Broker at ' + broker.url + '\nSnowflake ID: ' + broker.id
+  log '== snowflake proxy =='
+  log 'Copy-Paste mode detected.' if COPY_PASTE_ENABLED
   relayAddr = Params.getAddress(query, 'relay', DEFAULT_RELAY)
   snowflake.setRelayAddr relayAddr
diff --git a/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee
index 261d38d..162c0b4 100644
--- a/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee
+++ b/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee
@@ -1,27 +1,13 @@
-jasmine tests for Snowflake
+jasmine tests for Snowflake proxypair
-# Stubs to fake browser functionality.
-class PeerConnection
-class WebSocket
-  OPEN: 1
-  CLOSED: 0
-ui =
-  log: ->
-  setActive: ->
-log = ->
 describe 'ProxyPair', ->
   fakeRelay = Parse.address ''
   rateLimit = new DummyRateLimit()
   destination = []
   fakeClient = send: (d) -> destination.push d
-  # Fake snowflake to interact with
-  snowflake = {
-    broker:
-      sendAnswer: ->
-  }
   pp = new ProxyPair(fakeClient, fakeRelay, rateLimit)
   it 'begins webrtc connection', ->
diff --git a/proxy/spec/snowflake.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/snowflake.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1601b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/spec/snowflake.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+jasmine tests for Snowflake
+query = {}
+# Fake browser functionality:
+class PeerConnection
+class RTCSessionDescription
+  type: 'offer'
+class WebSocket
+  OPEN: 1
+  CLOSED: 0
+log = ->
+class FakeUI
+  log: ->
+  setActive: ->
+  setStatus: ->
+fakeUI = new FakeUI()
+class FakeBroker
+  getClientOffer: -> new Promise((F,R) -> {})
+# Fake snowflake to interact with
+snowflake =
+  ui: fakeUI
+  broker:
+    sendAnswer: ->
+describe 'Snowflake', ->
+  it 'constructs correctly', ->
+    s = new Snowflake({ fake: 'broker' }, fakeUI)
+    query['ratelimit'] = 'off'
+    expect(s.rateLimit).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(s.broker).toEqual { fake: 'broker' }
+    expect(s.ui).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(s.retries).toBe 0
+  it 'sets relay address correctly', ->
+    s = new Snowflake(null, fakeUI)
+    s.setRelayAddr 'foo'
+    expect(s.relayAddr).toEqual 'foo'
+  it 'initalizes WebRTC connection', ->
+    s = new Snowflake(new FakeBroker(), fakeUI)
+    spyOn(s.broker, 'getClientOffer').and.callThrough()
+    s.beginWebRTC()
+    expect(s.retries).toBe 1
+    expect(s.broker.getClientOffer).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'receives SDP offer', ->
+    s = new Snowflake(new FakeBroker(), fakeUI)
+    s.proxyPair = { receiveWebRTCOffer: -> }
+    spyOn(s.proxyPair, 'receiveWebRTCOffer').and.returnValue true
+    spyOn(s, 'sendAnswer')
+    s.receiveOffer 'foo'
+    expect(s.sendAnswer).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'can make a proxypair', ->
+    s = new Snowflake(new FakeBroker(), fakeUI)
+    s.makeProxyPair()
+    expect(s.proxyPairs.length).toBe 2
diff --git a/proxy/spec/ui.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/ui.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1628d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/spec/ui.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+jasmine tests for Snowflake UI
+document =
+  getElementById: (id) ->
+describe 'UI', ->
+  it 'activates debug mode when badge does not exist', ->
+    spyOn(document, 'getElementById').and.callFake (id) ->
+      return null if 'badge' == id
+      return {
+        focus: ->
+      }
+    u = new UI()
+    expect(u.debug).toBe true
+    expect(document.getElementById.calls.count()).toEqual 5
+    expect(u.$status).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$msglog).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$send).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$input).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'is not debug mode when badge exists', ->
+    spyOn(document, 'getElementById').and.callFake (id) ->
+      return {} if 'badge' == id
+      return null
+    u = new UI()
+    expect(u.debug).toBe false
+    expect(document.getElementById).toHaveBeenCalled()
+    expect(document.getElementById.calls.count()).toEqual 1
+    expect(u.$status).toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$msglog).toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$send).toBeNull()
+    expect(u.$input).toBeNull()
+  it 'sets status message only when in debug mode', ->
+    u = new UI()
+    u.$status = { innerHTML: '' }
+    u.debug = false
+    u.setStatus('test')
+    expect(u.$status.innerHTML).toEqual ''
+    u.debug = true
+    u.setStatus('test')
+    expect(u.$status.innerHTML).toEqual 'Status: test'
+  it 'sets message log css correctly for debug mode', ->
+    u = new UI()
+    u.debug = true
+    u.$msglog = {}
+    u.setActive true
+    expect(u.$msglog.className).toEqual 'active'
+    u.setActive false
+    expect(u.$msglog.className).toEqual ''
+  it 'sets badge css correctly for non-debug mode', ->
+    u = new UI()
+    u.debug = false
+    u.$badge = {}
+    u.setActive true
+    expect(u.$badge.className).toEqual 'active'
+    u.setActive false
+    expect(u.$badge.className).toEqual ''
+  it 'logs to the textarea correctly, only when debug mode', ->
+    u = new UI()
+    u.$msglog = { value: '', scrollTop: 0, scrollHeight: 1337 }
+    u.debug = false
+    u.log 'test'
+    expect(u.$msglog.value).toEqual ''
+    expect(u.$msglog.scrollTop).toEqual 0
+    u.debug = true
+    u.log 'test'
+    expect(u.$msglog.value).toEqual 'test\n'
+    expect(u.$msglog.scrollTop).toEqual 1337
diff --git a/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
index a4281e9..07b712b 100644
--- a/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
+++ b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
-jasmine tests for Snowflake
+jasmine tests for Snowflake utils
-# Stubs to fake browser functionality.
-class PeerConnection
-class WebSocket
-  OPEN: 1
-  CLOSED: 0
-ui =
-  log: ->
-  setActive: ->
-log = ->
 describe 'BuildUrl', ->
   it 'should parse just protocol and host', ->
     expect(buildUrl('http', 'example.com')).toBe 'http://example.com'
diff --git a/proxy/ui.coffee b/proxy/ui.coffee
index f951f67..cb25216 100644
--- a/proxy/ui.coffee
+++ b/proxy/ui.coffee
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ class UI
   debug = false  # True when there's no badge
   # DOM elements references.
-  $msglog = null
-  $send = null
-  $input = null
-  $status = null
+  $msglog: null
+  $send:   null
+  $input:  null
+  $status: null
   constructor: ->
     @$badge = document.getElementById('badge')

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