[ooni-talk] Report: Evaluating OONI’s New Measurement Engine

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Wed May 27 11:20:59 UTC 2020


Today, we published a report which evaluates OONI's new measurement
engine within the context of the blocking of Women on Web
(www.womenonweb.org) in Spain.

This report is available here:

The OONI team has been working on expanding our measurement
methodologies to detect more forms of website censorship.

To this end, we have been working on experimental code that combines
OONI's Web Connectivity test with SNI blocking detection methodology
(and other techniques).

Our aim is to eventually ship a new and improved Web Connectivity test
-- as part of the OONI Probe apps -- that also measures SNI based
filtering, as part of the broader set of website censorship checks.

To evaluate how these experiments work in practice (and if they work as
expected), we collaborated with Vasilis Ververis (Magma project) and
Spanish hacktivists to measure the blocking of www.womenonweb.org in
Spain through the use of these new experimental methodologies.

This report describes our experimental implementation for the
www.womenonweb.org case, explains how you can help us improve it, shares
relevant findings, and discusses some next steps.

Thanks for reading!

~ OONI team.

Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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