[ooni-talk] New report: Evidence of recent censorship events in Egypt

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Mon Jun 19 16:56:43 UTC 2017

Hi Oonitarians,

Today OONI, in collaboration with Access Now, published a research
report on our findings on *recent censorship events in Egypt*.

You can find the report here:

The key findings of our study include:

  * We were able to confirm the *blocking of 10 news websites*,
    including madamasr.com and aljazeera.net. It remains unclear to us
    though if all of these sites were blocked under the Egyptian
    government's recent censorship orders. 
  * *Link Egypt appears to be blocking access to the Tor network.* On a
    positive note, the Tor network appears to be accessible from the
    Vodafone Egypt and TE networks.
  * Link Egypt and Vodafone Egypt are *blocking access to
    torproject.org, bridges.torproject.org....and even
    ooni.torproject.org* (our own site).

Through the collection and analysis of network measurement data, we were
able to determine that Egyptian ISPs are using Deep Packet Inspection
(DPI) technology to RESET connections.

You can find the network measurement data collected from Egypt through
the following links:

  * https://measurements.ooni.torproject.org/files/by_country/EG
  * https://explorer.ooni.torproject.org/country/EG

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

All the best,


Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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