As many of you may (or may not) know, we created this mailing list
(web-team(a)lists.torproject.org) for all internal TPI communication about
Tor Project's websites.
The next web meeting is on Tuesday February 11th at 17utc (in
https://tor.meet.coop/gab-hv2-lxu-rdh) .We are going to discuss
priorities for the web team for this year. If you have anything to add
to the agenda please do it in:
pronouns she/her/they
GPG Fingerprint EE3F DF5C AD91 643C 21BE 8370 180D B06C 59CA BD19
"I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody's right to
beautiful, radiant things"
(cross-post from the tpa-team mailing list)
FYI, I'll be away on PTO for the first week of March, the 3rd to 7th.
I plan to have limited connectivity during that period.
-- Jérôme
If you're receiving this message, you're now subscribed to a new mailing
list: web-team(a)lists.torproject.org
The purpose of this low-volume list is to facilitate coordinating work
around the Tor Project websites between all the different stakeholders:
- Gaba
- Bella
- Duncan
- Pavel
- emmapeel
- Gus
- anarcat
- lavamind
While subscription to this list is not open to the public, the list
itself is visible and the archives are public.
For details, see https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/41981
-- Jérôme