hello, I managed until now the relay tor-turing - 8456DFA94161CDD99E480C2A2992C366C6564410 - ip for four years and it was in the list of Fallback Directory. However he did not answer for 2 weeks, the support of my hosting provider told me that the motherboard is out of order and data are irrecoverable, so it should remove it from the list of Fallback Directory.
thank you.
On 14 Aug 2019, at 22:50, contact-tor-turing@g0b.eu wrote:
hello, I managed until now the relay tor-turing - 8456DFA94161CDD99E480C2A2992C366C6564410 - ip for four years and it was in the list of Fallback Directory. However he did not answer for 2 weeks, the support of my hosting provider told me that the motherboard is out of order and data are irrecoverable, so it should remove it from the list of Fallback Directory.
Thanks for letting us know, and sorry about your relay.
We'll remove your relay when we rebuild the list in 6-12 months: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30972#comment:3