You can run the bridge wherever you like, you can change region like so: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availabilit...
There isn't any difference from that point on.
When the documentation was first made, I believe US East 1 was the only location that allowed you to use the free tier given. However it now extends to all regions.
Hello there...
You can run the bridge wherever you like, you can change region like so: [...]
There isn't any difference from that point on
Thanks for the speedy reply! Excellent, I was worried the images were tailor-made to fit the Virginia server only.
I looked over the page you gave me and found the following line, which made me wonder: "[...] you might want to launch instances in Europe to be closer to your European customers or to meet legal requirements."
Is there any location suited better than another for running the bridge? Like if amazon was forced to give away connection logs to the bridge to some authority, exposing whoever was in need of a bridge in the first place? Does it even make a difference? For all I know amazon might either have the same "negative" privacy standards everywhere or (which would be positive) does not log connections to the bridge/my "cloud thing" at all.
As you may have guessed, my knowledge about this is minimal; it is just an intriguing concept for me to help someone reach Tor/the Internet in general from countries where censorship and and misinformation rule.
Thanks again!