Hi Pascal,
thanks for the fast reply.
I think there is a slight misunderstanding.
rc.subr(8) does not have multi-instance support, and it will most likely stay that way.
Correct, and I'm _not_ trying to add that in any way to rc.subr or to your rc script.
What you're trying to do is going against that design
decision, so I suggest you simply don't use the rc.d subsystem if configured for multiple instances.
Even if I'm not using it at all, your rc script will kill unrelated tor instances, this is not limited to an ansible environment.
The goal is only to be able to have your tor package + the ansible role on the same system without the rc script from the package interfering with unrelated tor instances created via ansible.
I mean: As soon as you have more than one tor instance running, you'll have to implement a way to start/stop/restart/reload all of them individually anyway
That is already done.
Did this reply make the intentions clearer?
After all the proposed fix should not generate any new problem or effort for your package, or does it?