For family:D11D11877769B9E617537B4B46BFB92B443DE33D - running at the same IP - I do wonder about the differences of the values 44300 versus 36800 (one is 1 1/2 year, the other is 1/2 year old).
On 27 Apr 2018, at 11:49, Toralf Förster wrote:
For family:D11D11877769B9E617537B4B46BFB92B443DE33D - running at the same IP - I do wonder about the differences of the values 44300 versus 36800 (one is 1 1/2 year, the other is 1/2 year old).
No, the ORPort is not used in the consensus weight calculation.
The consensus weight is measured using randomly selected pairs of relays, so it can be different for instances on the same machine.
Also, the consensus weight can be lower if large clients select your relay as a guard at random.