On 11/09/2013 11:32 AM, tor-relays-request@lists.torproject.org wrote:
Using a VPN *might* work, but Microsoft blocks access from many of those too.
Complaining to Microsoft, especially if you're a paying Skype customer, might not help, but it can't hurt.
Same boat but with two woman on two continents and both use Mshit and there is not a chance in the world that they will ever ever ever get jitsi, linphone, Ekiga or any of the other joke excuses for a Skype replacement going. Until there is a non-MS solution that lets non-techies use a service like that from behind NAT they are a HUGE waste of developer's time not to mention consumers. Take a look at the Ekiga mailing list, makes the problems people have with tor relay's seem like child's play. It is almost pathetic listening to them try to help people who WILL NEVER manage to get one up and running. It is a joke. My VPN blocks Skype. I tried hard to get rid of it but it is just not possible unless it's another geek that you are talking to. Complaining to MS or Apple can hurt actually, in the hopelessness area. May end up hanging yourself after trying to talk to them.