Hi All,
The recent thread on ColoCrossing nodes[1] has gotten me wondering about the current state of HSDir attacks on hidden sites my web searching has only turned up some articles that are a few years old.
Is it really still the case that spending a little time crafting the "right" finger prints i sall it takes for an adversary to reliably host the HSDir for a given hidden service? Well and 4-5 days uptime...
Assuming the new ColoCrossing nodes are maliciously target ina particular hidden service is it just their sloppiness of putting them all up in the same place over a short period rather than in a slower and more widely distributed manner the only thing that prevented them from acheving their unmasking goals?
Seems like it would be trivial for even a moderately funded attacker to put up 16-32 nodes across a similar number of hosting providers, https://www.terraform.io framework for example seems to support about 37 different "cloud providers" so finding that number of unique providers isn't really hard. If they also set them up at semirandom intervals over the course of a month or so who could ever tell?
On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 02:59:34PM -0500, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
Is it really still the case that spending a little time crafting the "right" finger prints i sall it takes for an adversary to reliably host the HSDir for a given hidden service? Well and 4-5 days uptime...
For the "legacy" v2 onion service design, yes. But for the v3 onion service design, this class of attack does not work: the HSDirs for v3 onion services are unpredictable until the day of, because one of the inputs to the hash function that determines the HSDirs is the daily global shared-random-value: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/srv-spec.txt
I guess in theory we could do a flag day and make everybody who upgrades use this shared-random-value as part of the hash for determining HSDirs for v2 onion services too. But it would probably result in a lot of unhappy people, and anyway v2 has other problems too, like its keys are way too short, so we'll be happiest if we just let it die out over time.
Another option would be to not worry about relays that appear to be trying to attack v2 onion services, on the theory that if you want your onion service to not be attacked, you should move to v3. The problem there is that if people are running relays for reasons other than "I want to help grow the network and keep people safe", then they're not going to have the right motivations when it comes to other situations where we want relay operators to act with the safety of users in mind. They've already signaled to us that they aren't part of our community, so let's use that information and not wait to find out what else they will do that we don't like. ("When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" and all that.)
Assuming the new ColoCrossing nodes are maliciously target ina particular hidden service is it just their sloppiness of putting them all up in the same place over a short period rather than in a slower and more widely distributed manner the only thing that prevented them from acheving their unmasking goals?
Two answers:
(A) No, there are scripts we can run to look for fingerprint similarity, and those scripts don't depend on when the relays joined the network. See also this paper: https://nymity.ch/anomalous-tor-keys/
(B) You said unmasking, but in its simple form, this attack is about either measuring popularity of a service or about censoring it. If you get to be some of the HSDirs for your target onion address, you can measure its popularity (by counting anonymous lookups). If you get to be all six of its HSDirs for a day, you can censor that onion address for the day (by just sending "nope, never heard of it" in response to all lookups).
That said, you could combine "become some of the HSDirs for a particular onion service" with "run a bunch of guards" and then do correlation attacks to see if your guards have any clients that are fetching the onion descriptor from the HSDir (or if you're super lucky, have any clients that are *posting* the onion descriptor to the HSDir). But if you're patient (and you already are because in this scenario you're running a bunch of guards for long enough that they accumulate users), you could also wait until the day where one of your relays randomly becomes the HSDir for the onion service in question, which would take longer but not require any relay key placement attack.
Hope that helps, --Roger
Thanks Roger,
That helped a lot. The big piece I was missing was that hiddenservices are on v3 now (clearly I've not been paying attention here).
And I misunderstood HSDirs thinking they were in the data path not just the look up so could collude on traffic timing. I guess lookups are part of that signal but this is more analogus to DNS leaks or poisoning than it is to a malicious exit that manages to capture all traffic (or predictable fraction) to a particular destination.
Thanks, -Jon