thanks for running entry _and_ exit tor relays!
You are one out of (currently) 7 relay operators [1] running entry _and_ exit relays (with guard probability > 0) without proper 'MyFamily' configuration. This can be dangerous for tor clients because they might choose you as entry _and_ exit relay.
Please help protect tor clients by properly specifying the MyFamily configuration in your torrc files.
MyFamily example configuration (a single line with all your relay fingerprints separated by comma):
MyFamily 4A549160BEFA50EA10C2F4D6D80E9AFE20DBAF95,88C3708A9D71ECEC1910B63C3FAA5BF60CD7E199
https://atlas.torproject.org can help you show MyFamily misconfiguratons as well.
If you need any help please let us know.
kind regards, nusenu
This list is auto-generated on a daily basis: [1] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ornetstats/stats/master/o/potentially_dang...