Matthias Redies:
Luckly I have a fiber connection and a unused RaspberryPi. So running an
How many Mbps? I've had a RaspberyPi struggle to forward 1.5Mbps (only intermittently though) and posted about it in here - it may freeze or reboot when under stress. If you are pushing more than 1.5Mbps, you're more likely to get picked as guard, etc, which can push the Pi over the edge.
There are a number of highly scattered posts on tuning the Pi for Tor. I finally got time to get mine working 2 days ago and am collecting everything I did to it (and further tweaks - I'd had to take it offline due to TCP connection "storms" crashing my *router*) into a single long, highly detailed post for everybody here.
But stock Raspbian + Pi + Tor + fiber = you're gonna have a bad time, without tuning.
Best, -Gordon