On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 01:49:45AM +0000, Geoff Down wrote:
Hi, the read/write graphs in my relay's TorStatus.blutmagie.de page have been broken for some time (flat-lined) but I assumed that was down to my old software. However, I see that all the relays' pages are the same. Is this data no longer available? I had a quick look in the archives for an answer.
Which relay?
You'll have a better time learning about your relay's load from the Tor metrics page.
https://metrics.torproject.org/relay-search.html type in 'moria1' and search: https://metrics.torproject.org/relay-search.html?search=moria1 then click on the descriptor digest in one of the 'r' lines: https://metrics.torproject.org/descriptor.html?desc-id=b98b0f97e57051051d9a0... and scroll down to the write-history and read-history lines in the extra-info descriptor. These are byte counts in 15 minute intervals.
It's not pretty, but it will let you see the actual data. :)