Thanks for posting the blog in here
Relays and bridges: Tor relays and bridges could maybe be made to
leak their medium-term onion keys (rotated once a week), or their long-term relay identity keys. An attacker who has your relay identity key can publish a new relay descriptor indicating that you're at a new location (not a particularly useful attack). An attacker who has your relay identity key, has your onion key, and can intercept traffic flows to your IP address can impersonate your relay (but remember that Tor's multi-hop design means that attacking just one relay in the client's path is not very useful). In any case, best practice would be to update your OpenSSL package, discard all the files in keys/ in your DataDirectory, and restart your Tor to generate new keys.
I am on Wheezy and did 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade'. 1.0.1e-2+deb7u5 should be good for Wheezy.
( Deleted keys, restarted tor, receive a new fingerprint and stand back in line for new flags - but we are safe )
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