Hey David,
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 15:31, David davidlusthof@goatse.be wrote:
Op 10-11-11 15:20, Nils Vogels schreef:
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 14:44, Orionjur Tor-admin tor-admin@orionjurinform.com wrote:
On 10.11.2011 11:48, David wrote:
I just wanted to let everyone know that my two Tor nodes have been raided (+all my computer equipment and everything that could store data).
Interesting. They already raids on middleman/guard nodes, not only exits? What can be reasons of such raids?
Possibly non tor-related? As far as I read the post, it isn't clear right now why the raid had taken place, and I know (unfortunately) from personal experience as a raided exit-operator in NL it can take a while before this is clear why exactly the raid happened. Took me a few weeks to get clarity, also because the police will not tell you much until they have analysed the evidence.
Anyhow, David, good luck, it's not easy having to explain your neighbors why the police raided your house.
They where specifically talking about 'The Tor servers'. And I got raided by the 'Zeden' (not sure what the right translation is) department of the police, so it's probably about CP.
Yeah, I was raided by Vice (which is the right translation ;) ) as well.
Can't help but think it has something to do with all the attention Tor has been getting by the police. Especially hidden services (which I did not run).
I can't tell you what the reason was offcourse, for me it was because of exiting traffic related to case somewhere else in Europe.
How much time did they take to go through all your stuff? It has been 4 weeks since it happened here.
Preliminary results were in after 3 months, and I had some things returned to me, it took them two years to realise I was indeed running a tor exit node, and my case got dismissed returning all my stuff.
The department of digital forensics (who does the analysis of the computers) is immensely backlogged. I chose not to push them other than keeping in touch with the DA (OvJ) and the local police officers. Maybe if you put a lawyer on it, you get speedier results, YMMV.