Looking at your email address, you have an ISP assigned email. Unless you work for Spectrum, you shouldn't use an ISP email account. I'd advise you either:
* Sign up for a third-party email service like Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, or Tutanota
* If you can maintain one, run your own email server (I do this myself but many don't recommend it as email servers are complex)
Assuming you have a middle relay, I don't think the relay caused the email problems. I believe someone hacked your email, whether through a hacker attacking the Spectrum email server or a virus/malware gaining access to your email via a browser exploit. Check for this first.
On 2019-05-16 13:31, K. Besig wrote:
I've run a home relay on and off for several years and recently, for the first time, had my email blocked by the ISP rendering it impossible to login into my 3rd party mail sever.
When I contacted support I was informed my email password had been reset due to activity that resembled e-bombing/mass mailing. Only after submitting to a system scan while the rep waited on the phone,was I able to reset my password.
I moved several months ago and went from a TWC legacy account to a Spectrum account.
Wondering if anything other than lowering my tor bandwidth would keep them off my back...
tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays