Martin Kepplinger:
In order to run an obfsproxy bridge on my Pi, I need tor from git or tor's experimental repos; raspbian's packages are too old right?
I got confused with recent discussions on raspberry pi here. What's the simples way to run a obfsproxy bridge on my Pi and keep it up to date as well!
I can help you with Tor itself for Raspberry Pi.
Keeping it up to date will be a little problematic until the Cipollini Project[1] can get a .deb repo together, but there is both a link to instructions and binary .debs for Raspbian here:
1. https://github.com/gordon-morehouse/cipollini
However, I don't have obfsproxy packages - I'll need to evaluate how it's packaged and replicate the latest ones for Raspbian.
There may be further instructions, if you want to avoid the 'setup.py install' method mentioned by tor_bridge and stick to the Raspbian package manager, at the link present above. I know they cover building base Tor packages, not sure about obfsproxy.
I'll add a task to the project[2] and do my best to get to it soon.
2. https://www.pivotaltracker.com/s/projects/917796
Best, - -Gordon M.