On Sat, 26 Apr 2014 06:05:27 +0000 Yawning Angel yawning@schwanenlied.me wrote:
I'll look into adding backward compatibility code for the version of pycrypto CentOS packages so it's possible to setup one of these without pulling in all the development tools next (Git is temporary till the next obfsproxy release, since the #11558 changes are needed). Follow the bug for future progress.
Ok, I just closed the bug[0] as "invalid", with no planned further action on my part with regards to this.
Summary of current state of obfsproxy on CentOS 6:
It works with the vendor provided packages (Including python 2.6), as long as you install a more recent version of pycrypto.
The vendor provided pycrypto (python-crypto-2.0.1-22) is not usable because it is missing `Crypto.Util.Counter` *and* more importantly, the CTR-AES implementation only handles plaintexts/ciphertexts that are sized as a multiple of the AES block size.
Any version of pycrypto that has a fully working CTR-AES implementation will also provide `Crypto.Util.Counter`, so there is no need to implement the latter in obfsproxy as a compatibility hack.
Till the next release of obfsproxy, people that wish to use this will need to grab obfsproxy from the git repository to get a fix for #11558.
How one will properly update pycrypto is left as an exercise to someone that actually uses CentOS.