eliaz transcribed 0.4K bytes:
Can anyone point me to a tutorial about how to read the extra-info output of CollecTor? I'm particularly interested in what bridge-ip-versions v4=0,v6=0 means and why bridge-ip-transports does not report the the pluggable transport proxies (obfs3, obfs4, etc.) for the bridge I'm running.
https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt?id=5963a7e3#n700 https://pythonhosted.org/bridgedb/descriptors.html#bridge-extra-info-descrip... https://collector.torproject.org/#bridge-descriptors
Sorry that the documentation is all over the place for that. :/ Additionally, there may be out-of-date or missing infomation, so if you notice a problem or still have questions, please don't be shy to ask.
Best Regards,