Hi, Chris!
Chris Whittleston:
Thanks for this Gordon M - just thought I'd add that if it's useful for anyone, I threw a Pi Tor (middle) relay setup guide together a while ago - you can see it here:
is great documentation.
If I've omitted anything important - please let me know. I know it's long (and goes through some pretty simple stuff), but the idea was to make it accessible to people who weren't otherwise likely to give setting up a relay a try.
That's the entire ultimate goal of The Cipollini Project - allow people who aren't super technically sophisticated to *easily* set up low-power, plug-and-forget Tor relays to bulk up the total middle-relay capacity of the network in the event of traffic growth, spikes (Turkey being a small example), and botnets.
Would you be interested in donating or releasing your docs under some free license (GFDL, appropriate Creative Commons) so they could be wikified or otherwise made collaboratively editable and presented as part of, or as an adjunct to, Cipollini? For now that might mean the Github wiki, but eventually the project will have its own site so less-experienced users can do some "one stop shopping" for documentation.
Best, - -Gordon M.
- -- http://gordon.morehouse.me/
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