Michael Berlin:
Hi Gordon and Matthias,
I've split your discussion from the original thread "Running exit-node in Germany" and created a new one.
I fully agree with you that the Raspberry Pi is the perfect device to let others run a Tor Relay Node very easily. What follows is a long mail about my experiences and more thoughts about the Pi as relay.
Just wanted to say that I've seen this and will reply in depth soon. I've just got my Pi relay running again and am experimenting with it and attempting to gather all the tips in the dozens of blog posts about running a Tor relay or a Bittorrent daemon (turns out, there are some characteristics these applications share), figure out the useful ones, and gather them all together.
I was hoping some people from the list could help me with the "figure out the useful ones" and it looks like you got started before I could ask. :)
One thing I'm particularly concerned with, if these Pi relays are going to be dropped onto non-technical but morally supportive folks' broadband connections by their friends and relatives: congestion control. The relay MUST NOT (following RFC definitions, heh) interfere with Netflix or Youtube or this won't work out so well.
I also found the Adafruit HOWTO and was sad that it didn't mention relaying much.
More later, -Gordon