I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) on my 32-bit machine, but this is useful information for my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) 64-bit machine, which is a test bed slated to be a Tor exit at a local hackerspace.
That said, having bought a new keyboard I've rebooted and ARM brought Tor right up. It says the relaying is disabled, which it isn't, and that no GeoIP database is not found, although the connections are viewable, so go figure.
On 05/13/2017 12:51 PM, Monkey Pet wrote:
If you are using a debian derivative distro, follow:
https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en (select tor from source, select either stable or experimental) Build it, then install it..
If not debian, use the other guides there in the expert section..
Also remember, Raspbian isn't Debian: *Raspbian is not Debian.* These packages will be confusingly broken for Raspbian users, since Raspbian called their architecture armhf but Debian already has an armhf. See this post http://tor.stackexchange.com/questions/242/how-to-run-tor-on-raspbian-on-the-raspberry-pi for details.
However for Raspbian, if you get the source packages for debian, you should be able to compile and install it correctly. I have done it.