On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 20:04:18 +0100 Toralf Förster toralf.foerster@gmx.de wrote:
On 11/3/18 8:01 PM, Roman Mamedov wrote:
What you can do right off the bat, is to run a second Tor instance on the same IP address (of course on a different port). You can run two per IP, and it is most often a no-brainer to do so. I would expect it to get around the same 4-5 MB/sec usage over time -- with little to no impact on speeds of the first one.
2 relays at one IP address instead of 1 will have 50% each of the former one relay.
If there was hard cap on bandwidth, say, to those 5 MB/sec, then sure, each would get 2.5 MB/sec. But I think chances are this is not the case here (the current low speed attained is caused by something else than a hard limit), and running two, in effect with 2x as much parallel TCP streams, will be able to utilize quite a bit more bandwidth out of this connection than a single instance can.