Dirport is a handy convenience, but is not essential to proper functioning of the network. Put a connection rate-limit on dirport and it stopped the abuser cold. Dirport traffic went from 15% of total back down to 1-2% where it belongs.
Nonetheless the questions posed are valid.
At 12:25 5/18/2018 -0400, starlight.2017q4@binnacle.cx wrote:
Lately seeing escalating abuse traffic on the relay dirport, now up to 20k rotating source IP addresses per week.
The simple solution is to disable dirport, but the relay is a fallback directory and I don't want to make a change that will negatively affect the relay's ability to function as such. Would disabling dirport be a problem?
can a non-advertised dirport be left configured for local-system use while the public advertised dirport is disabled?
does a command utility or method exist for querying dirport documents via tunnelled-dir-server? including miscellanous documents such as
/tor/status-vote/current/consensus.z /tor/keys/all.z /tor/server/all.z /tor/extra/all.z
/tor/server/fp/<fp1>+<fp2>+<fp3>.z /tor/extra/fp/<fp1>+<fp2>+<fp3>.z /tor/micro/d/<hash1>-<hash2>.z /tor/keys/fp/<v3ident1>+<v3ident2>.z