Georg Koppen:
You might recall we ran two "speed tests" so far for investigating the accuracy of a relay's advertised bandwidth, one in 2021[1] and another one earlier this year[2].
We gonna pick this test up again this week. However, this time it won't be just a single run but we are rather scheduling the experiment to be on for two weeks and then off for two weeks for the upcoming weeks/months (see: the third item in our network experiments strategy[3] for some rationale). More exactly: we'll run our measurement script for roughly one week, then wait about a week for flooded values leaving the relay descriptors, then 2 weeks off, then starting again...
A small correction here:
We'll run the measurement script for roughly *two* weeks, then wait about a week for flooded values leaving the relay descriptors, then 1 week off, then starting again.
We figured out that's a better use of our resources compared to the two weeks break in the measurements cycle.