For about 6 weeks now, I've been running a couple of obfs4 bridges, one on port 80, the other port 443. Up to yesterday, the port 80 one had seen zero traffic, when this started to be reported:
Feb 09 13:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 0 unique clients. Feb 09 19:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 533 unique clients. Feb 10 01:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 63 unique clients. Feb 10 07:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 212 unique clients. Feb 10 13:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 93 unique clients. Feb 10 19:46:19.000 [notice] Heartbeat: In the last 6 hours, I have seen 61 unique clients.
Is this kind of sudden usage normal.
For the port 443 bridge, I have seen very little traffic at all, which surprises me as I thought that obfs4 bridges on port 443 were highly sought after.
A relay search for "OhNoAnother" will pull up the details.