My Bandwidth results are averaging around 1.5mbs to 3.0mbs via the Tor Globe Stats page.
Can someone tell me how to increase my network bandwidth based on what I am capable of uploading and downloading. I am allocated 2TB of bandwidth per month from my VPS
Right now the Advertised Bandwidth is 1.7MB/s and when I scroll down further on the page in the Bandwidth section my "mean written bytes" are 226.15 kb/s and my "mean read bytes" are 227.1 kbs/s
I see several sites averaging 50MB/s-60MB/s on the Top Ten Relays list
If your VPS is only allowed to do 2TB/month, than you won't need any tuning if you are already doing 1.7MB/s.
Sorry I did not read carefully enough (1.7 *advertised* bw).