2015-12-20 17:21 GMT+01:00 Remi Gacogne listes+tor-relays@valombre.net:
On the other hand, I would say using a local DNS cache can increase both your relay's performance and perhaps offers a slight privacy gain to tor clients, given that a cached DNS response will be served directly to a tor client rather than querying an external resolver for the 2nd time.
Note that, whenever possible, Tor relay operators using a local DNS resolver should enable qname mininisation [1], so that the resolver only sends to the authoritative servers what they need to know to respond. Support for qname minimisation has recently been added in unbound [2] 1.5.7, and is planned in the future Knot resolver [3].
It should be noted that on Debian unbound is v. 1.4.17 and support for qname minimisation has been added in v. 1.5.7