Thanks for running exits!
Pay attention that each instance has its own datadirectory, this means you need to have multiple 'keys' subdirectories depending on the number of your instances. Usually /var/lib/tor should contain some subfolders like 1, 2 or instance1, instance2, whatever and each containing another subfolder with the related keys for each instance.
So you need to make sure you backup and move the keys for all instances. There's no problem if you copy the entire directory, as long as the keys are there, Tor will just overwrite the expired cached/consensus data.
On 9/11/2016 4:08 PM, pa011 wrote:
I have to move a multiple instances Exit from one VPS to another.
Apart from creating the same instances on the new machine with **tor-instance-create** I would then just copy the whole directory /var/lib/tor/keys to the new VPS - or should I copy all /var/lib/tor/ to not miss anything from the original one?
Am I miss anything else?