We run the update command daily and sync the data from it.
See: https://man-pages.ipfire.org/libloc/location.html
As far as I understand this should update the local DB.
Are we overlooking something?
location version Mon, 24 Jan 2022 06:02:28 GMT
location lookup Network : Country : Germany Autonomous System : AS197540 - netcup GmbH
According to the ipfire devs the webservice at https://location.ipfire.org/lookup/ does not update the db daily, since it uses the db version when the service started.
So if you are using a daily updated version everything should fine on your side.
The remaining questions (why does it believe it is DE vs AT) is a question for the ipfire devs.
@Martin: I can recommend their mailing list: https://lists.ipfire.org/mailman/listinfo/location
kind regards, nusenu