(especially relevant to relay operators...)
Hi all. A new release of arm (http://www.atagar.com/arm/) is now available. This completes the codebase refactoring project that's been a year in the works and provides numerous performance, usability, and stability improvements...
* Relay Setup Wizard Setting up a relay can be tricky for new users. In headless environments this means navigating Tor's massive, user unfriendly man page and even when Vidalia's an option it makes relatively poor exit configurations. Starting arm before Tor now provides instructions for auto-generating a good relay setup...
a. Selection for what you'd like to be http://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard1.png b. Picking your relay options http://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard2.png c. Confirmation for the configuration it's making http://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard3.png
* Menu Interface All of arm's capabilities are now available via a simple menu interface. http://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_menu.png
* Arm Gui Prototype Over this summer Kamran Khan has been working on a GTK frontend for arm as part of Google Summer of Code. The initial prototype is ready! http://inspirated.com/2011/06/28/summer-of-code-progress-graphs-logs-and-aci...
* Performance Improvements Several arm and TorCtl performance fixes providing a 83% faster startup time, 12% lower memory usage, and instantaneous shutdown.
* Improved Platform Support Vastly better support for Mac OSX. Arm has also been backported to Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid / Maverick. http://packages.debian.org/squeeze-backports/tor-arm https://bugs.launchpad.net/maverick-backports/+bug/721886
* ... etc Options for requesting a new identity, shutting down Tor, reconnecting if Tor's been restarted and many, many bugfixes. http://www.atagar.com/arm/releaseNotes.php#1.4.3
Cheers! -Damian