Matthias Redies:
Ok that is good to know. Right know I will probably run it on 1-1.5 Mbps and later on 3-4 Mbps. What is the maximum your raspberry is capable to do? Please let me know if you publish your tutorial.
I had it pushing about 1.5Mbps and crashing only about once a week before I started having TCP connect floods and had to take it offline until I could pay attention for a while. I'm still tuning it. It crashed much, much more often before some basic tuning, though.
And my plan is to publish my results to the entire list, because at $35, Raspberry Pis can make *great* relays for slower home broadband, but they need a little tender loving care first. :)
I hope to have something up in a week or two, I need to watch it for a while and continue to tweak, and maybe develop a solution for the TCP storms that can bring down a lot of consumer routers, before publishing for all.
Best, -Gordon