Andy Isaacson wrote on 10.12.2011:
If it's a decent NIC (Intel or Broadcom) then I'd agree with you. If it's a RTL or other sub-par vendor / driver, then you're overly optimistic.
lspci shows: 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
I assume this should be a decent NIC.
Wait, you're seeing these DNS failures with "nameserver" in /etc/hosts? That's more interesting, since then DNS UDP lossage on GigE pacet loss is unlikely to be the cause.
Could you clarify the configuration? Is Tor doing DNS over the GigE or to localhost?
Yes I have configure a local caching DNS server. cat /etc/resolve.conf shows nameserver So I assume TOR resolves via the local configured DNS. I verified with nslookup. DNS requests indeed go through the