Chris Whittleston:
Glad you think it might be useful - I don't know why I didn't post it here when I first wrote it back in January.
It'll see the light of day now for sure!
I'm happy to release it under the CC-BY-SA license for anyone to use and have modified the document accordingly. I agree that it would be fantastic to make setting up a middle relay something anyone could do without much technical knowledge. Have you considered a customised build of Raspian or something similar with Tor already included, and some sort of simple setup script?
That's pretty much the idea - eventually we'd like a user to be able to write their SD card, stick it in the Pi, and use a web app to set up and (if desired) to monitor the relay.
The project tracker is visible at: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/s/projects/917796
If you click the 'Icebox' button you'll see some long-range plans. It's slow going but there are tons of really useful tools that'll make this a lot easier than it would've been even a couple years ago.
Let me know where you end up putting the documentation, I'd be curious to see what else you are working on :)
Will do! This (which is pretty much R&D stage until I write design docs) is what we're focusing on first for Cipollini - it's a daemon that figures out available bandwidth and attempts to intuit and avoid congestion - thus, though it has wider potential use, it'll meet one of the biggest goals of Cipollini - the boxes will never mess with people's Netflix, and thus they'll leave them plugged in.
Best, - -Gordon M.
- -- http://gordon.morehouse.me/
PGP key: https://twitter.com/gmorehou/status/433481548030300161 Fingerprint: A3D2 D096 C3A7 6960 1138 E326 3FE3 A51A 1EEF FBA3