Dear Dhalgren Tor,
I have been running a middle node with the ingress connexions being 5-10% fewer than egress connexions since it started about 11 months ago. changing Tor versions twice has not made any difference in this, the current version being that came out yesterday. But I'm only running only about 2,000 on each side (19xx ingress, 21xx egress). I assumed that was normal...
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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On March 4, 2018 3:08 PM, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
Found other ones: December 24 where egress was much higher then
ingress (but crypto-workers were pegged, not main thread). December
28 & 29, attack like today. Feburary 1 & 2, like today with ingress
higher than egress.
In today's and the latter-two above the main event thread was pegged
either continuously or intermittently with ingress higher than egress.
Just looked again and see all threads, crypto-worker and main-event
pegging episodically.
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