I prefer "ps aux | grep tor" and then you can seem them running side by side. You can also seem them on htop, which I prefer over top. My init.d script sets a different log file to each instance, allowing you to monitor the logs of each independently. If you are clever though, you could do something like
alias torlogmon='watch -n 10 "cat /var/log/tor/notices.log | tail -8 && echo "***************" && cat /var/log/tor2/notices.log | tail -8"'
and watch the logs of both at the same time. If you want to use arm you will have to set arm up for each instance. I've been moving away from arm in favor of other tools, one of which is "speedometer", a nifty package that allows you to monitor bandwidth usage remotely. If Tor is the only thing on your machine, you get basically the same thing as the arm graph.
alias speedometer="speedometer -l -m 1048576 -rx eth0 -c -tx eth0"
Where 1048576 is the maximum bytes/sec value that will be shown in the y-axis on the linear graph. Modify depending on your utilization. I prefer working with powers of 2 with this. The man page is useful of course.
Jesse V.
On 04/18/2014 03:19 AM, tor-relays-request@lists.torproject.org wrote:
What's the test that there are two instances running? top? Are they visible in arm?